Box of Sound #35 - Bluetooth Machine Girls
We talk about movies, best of '08, movies, questions, and more. Woof!
Rich got Bluetooth Stereo Headphones. Ceck 'em out if you dare.
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A podcast and blog about collecting and enjoying music, movies, media and other stuff from Northern Ohio. Hosted by Bill Camarata. Open this box first!
We talk about movies, best of '08, movies, questions, and more. Woof!
Taking time out to post this little bit of info: Yesterday I got some e-mails from the Boston area, asking for the Cheese Sandwich CD. I investigated, and the morning show on WFNX, The Sandbox, dug up a 2006 episode of the show and made fun of it.
Watched the first two new episodes of "Scrubs" eighth season on ABC (after 7 years on NBC) last night. The show is now in HD! It was a little hard to get used to the change in texture and the unique mix of comedy and drama on a wide screen, but the show is still great and I laughed out loud many times.
Happy new year, all. Now that most of the excuses I've been using for not doing this podcast on a more regular basis have cleared themselves out of the way, I am going to be doing a little bit more posting, and a bit more recording, as I have resolved on the last show. Pre-production has begun for show thirty five, as well as other things that will hopefully make The Box of Sound one of your favorite websites in the days to come. There may be a change to the podcast feed, so get ready for that. Also... wait for it... I'm going to try and get listed on iTunes. There. I said it.