A podcast and blog about collecting and enjoying music, movies, media and other stuff from Northern Ohio. Hosted by Bill Camarata. Open this box first!

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Box of Sound #25-Concert In The Park

This was recorded over a week ago, this is the first time I had a chance to post it.
Best wishes and a shout out to Kyle Seitz and Adam Funk!
Happy Birthday Michaela.
I may be putting together a series of podcasts about Hi-Def Television and what it means for the rest of us.

Total time: 42:44
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Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Box of Sound #24-The Monkey Call Experiment

My band,Monkey Call, played live at the Creekside Bar and Restaurant on September 1st. It was an open mike night, and this show has lots of amusing musical and non-musical merriment. This is what happens when you try to play music after drinking alcohol. I think I was the only sober person there besides our sound man.
Weird Al Yankovic has a new album out. Buy it.
Rifftrax is a web site that makes fun of movies, in an MST3K style.
You can still get your free "Cheese Sandwich" CD! Send your mailing address to to get my album for FREE. Did I say free? Yes, free.

Total time: 44:47
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